Guidestar Forms, LLC Terms and Conditions
Use of the Guidestar Forms, LLC websites and services is provided to your organization subject to the following terms and conditions.
1. Guidestar Forms web sites and services are provided as-is with no warranty or assurance of any kind, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
2. Guidestar Forms uses a commercially reasonable level of skill and care to provide websites and services with high availability. Temporary interruptions may occur from time to time in the availability of our websites and services. Guidestar Forms shall have no liability, including liability to refund subscription fees, arising from temporary availability interruptions.
3. Your subscription fee entitles your organization to use Guidestar Forms websites and services for individuals enrolled in your organization and for your organization’s staff. You may not assign your rights to use Guidestar Forms websites or services to any other individual or entity.
4. All forms, instructions, web pages, and tools provided by Guidestar Forms and the designs and formulas in the tools, are for the sole use of Guidestar Forms subscribers and are protected by copyright.
5. Your subscription fee entitles your organization to use Guidestar Forms websites and services for a specified time period. Subscriptions may be renewed and the related time period extended by payment of an additional fee. At the end of your organization’s subscription time period your organization will have no access to Guidestar Forms websites and services and your organization’s information stored there and that information will be deleted and not recoverable. It is your responsibility to download and save all of your organization’s information before the end of the subscription time period.
6. You may cancel your subscription at any time by notifying Guidestar Forms via email or telephone. Following cancellation, your organization will have no access to Guidestar Forms websites and services and your organization’s information stored there and that information will be deleted and not recoverable. It is your responsibility to download and save all of your organization’s information prior to cancellation. Subscription fees will not be wholly or partially refunded for cancelled subscriptions.
7. Your administrators will have access to all information submitted for your organization. It is your responsibility to guard the administrator usernames and passwords and ensure that only properly authorized individuals have access to the administrator usernames and passwords.
8. Subscribers retain exclusive and full ownership and rights to information submitted for your organization and stored on Guidestar Forms websites. Guidestar Forms makes no use of subscriber information for any purpose other than providing the subscriber with subscription services.
9. Guidestar Forms shall not be liable for any claim, demand, loss, liability, damage, injuries, cost or expense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and legal costs, whether general, direct, special, incidental, consequential or other damage caused in whole or in part or directly or indirectly by any use of or inability to use the websites and services or any alleged or actual failure by Guidestar Forms, whether or not any such damages were foreseeable or whether Guidestar Forms was advised of the possibility of such damages.
10. You indemnify, defend and hold harmless Guidestar Forms, its stockholders, directors, officers, employees, independent contractors and agents against any claim, demand, loss, liability, damage, injury cost or expense, including attorneys’ fees and legal costs, which arise, directly or indirectly, out of your act or omission with respect to use of Guidestar Forms websites and services or any violation of Laws.
11. Guidestar Forms does not provide legal, regulatory, accounting, financial, or tax advice. Written and verbal communications relating to these topics are for information only, and are not intended to provide, and may not be relied upon for, legal, regulatory, accounting, financial, or tax advice.
12. Guidestar Forms reserves the right to update terms and conditions at any time without prior notice to subscribers.
13. In the event that any matter arising hereunder shall be in dispute, the exclusive forum for resolving any such dispute shall be a state or federal court of competent jurisdiction situate in the State of Maryland.
Guidestar Forms Privacy Policy
Privacy addresses the collection, use, disclosure, and disposal of information in a secure environment. Guidestar Forms’ services provide a secure environment to protect subscriber information from disclosure to malicious actors. Subscribers retain exclusive and full ownership and rights to information submitted and stored on Guidestar Forms websites.
In compliance with this policy Guidestar Forms
1. Collects only information each subscriber requests to be collected by their respective services.
2. Makes no use of subscriber information for any purpose other than providing the subscriber with subscription services.
3. Discloses subscriber information only as required to provide the subscriber with subscription services or as required by law (e.g., in response to a subpoena).
4. Disposes of subscriber information by deleting it only if requested by the subscriber or after the subscription has terminated. Deleted information is not recoverable.
In addition, Guidestar Forms
1. Collects subscriber contact information necessary to provide subscription services.
2. Makes no use of subscriber contact information for any purpose other than providing the subscriber with subscription services.
3. Discloses subscriber contact information only as required to provide the subscriber with subscription services or as required by law (e.g., in response to a subpoena or as required on Government tax forms). Such disclosures may include to our legal, financial, and business advisors who are bound to treat it as confidential. Only after receiving your explicit permission will Guidestar Forms publicly disclose your contact information or relationship with Guidestar Forms.
4. May dispose of subscriber contact information by deleting it after the subscription has terminated. Guidestar Forms may retain subscriber contact information for an indefinite period as part of its business records.