Staff Record Forms
Most licensing regulations require centers to maintain staff records for employees and volunteers. Our staff record forms, customized to meet each center's needs, typically include contact information, emergency contacts, education, training, and previous employment. Our staff record forms track which required documents have been submitted (e.g., I-9, W-4), record background check dates (e.g., FBI, state police criminal record), and record required periodic training dates (e.g., CPR, first aid, child abuse reporting).
Click here to test drive a live sample staff record form and see how easy and intuitive it will be for you and your staff to maintain their records. We will not use your email address for any purpose other than enabling you to test drive our forms.
Our desktop tracking tool alerts you in advance when background checks will expire and mandatory retraining is required. We customize expiration to each state's requirements and we customize alerts to each center's needs.
Our document checklist tool tracks which required documents have been submitted by each employee.
Our staff form tool enables you to locate any information for any staff member in seconds.