Daily Health Check Form

Symptoms of COVID-19 identified by CDC are fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Guidestar Forms is offering a Daily Health Check Form for centers that want parents to document confirmation that their children do not have symptoms of COVID-19 or other illness.

Parents complete a Daily Health Check Form in seconds on a smart phone, tablet, or computer before bringing their children to the center. Submission date and time are automatically recorded. In the form, parents record each child's temperature and confirm that their children do not exhibit specified symptoms. Our sample form will be customized to meet your needs.

Click here to test drive Daily Health Check Form sample 

We will not use your email address for any purpose other than enabling you to test drive our forms.

Upon submission, a notification email message with the child’s name and arrival temperature in the subject line is sent to a designated address so a staff member can quickly validate the parent’s confirmation on a smart phone, tablet, or computer. If child arrivals are divided into groups (e.g., arrival time, class, drop off location), parents indicate which group their children are assigned to. Separate email accounts for each group receive notifications, facilitating validation before accepting the children for the day.